From Builders for Builders

Our Tools & Libraries

Bitcoin SV has a large and growing number of tools to help developers build test, and deploy their applications. Below are some of the tools to get you started.


A list of BitcoinSV related API’s, Tools and Libraries

GetBlock is a flexible RPC Provider that offers instant access to full nodes of various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin-SV. It allows developers, businesses, and individuals to connect to these nodes without the need to set up and maintain their own, which can be a resource-intensive and technically challenging task.

Overpool lets you build your own off-chain bitcoin transaction ledger, which can optionally be shared over an overlay P2P network (DAT), in realtime.

sCrypt extension for Visual Studio Code sCrypt (pronounced “ess crypt”) is a high-level smart contract language for BSV.

CATN8. The world's first embeddable, interactive, monetizable, video player. And also a peer-to-peer superwallet.

A easier way to write bitcoin script.

Tools for building a better Internet on Bitcoin

A light weight metanet gateway for bitcoin.

MetaHandle is a tool to access onchain content on BSV. Instead of accessing it with a txid, you can reference any content to a human readable handle which is stored onchain. So all you need is to search for your handle to access any file you want.

Get your crypto API for instant access to 60+ blockchain networks including BTC, ETH, and BSV which is over 1000 coins and tokens.

TXT (Transaction Tape) is a portable Bitcoin transaction storage system which lets you store, manage, and share bitcoin transaction bundles with semantic metadata attached.

Minercraft is a JavaScript library for effortlessly interacting with Bitcoin Miner APIs. Currently supporting the beta version of the Merchant API. Minercraft works both on the server as well as inside a browser.

BitcoinFiles has one repository available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Operate is a toolset to help developers build applications, games and services on top of Bitcoin (SV). It lets you write functions, called "Ops", and enables transactions to become small but powerful programs, capable of delivering new classes of services layered over Bitcoin.

Interact with Bitcoin Miner APIs (unofficial Go library of 

Polish application on the BSV blockchain. Earn BSV!

BitSV is Python’s fastest BSV library and was designed from the beginning to feel intuitive, be effortless to use, and have readable source code. It is heavily inspired by Requests and Keras.

The state of BSV address. Metanet Techtalk #39, 12. January 2023, 20:00 at B2029. 2022 has been eventful for BSV-land!

A simple and flexible method to sign arbitrary OP_RETURN data with Bitcoin ECDSA signatures.

A simple protocol to create a chain of trust for any kind of data on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Dead simple offchain bitcoin transaction ledger. Localchain lets you easily create as many offchain bitcoin transaction ledgers as you want, with a simple API.

bds-bsv is one of the independent modules in open source project of block chain data service (BDS) - provides full node service.

Test your knowledge by taking online quizzes, after navigating through online resources. We provide you with all the tools you need to build the future. Build.

A simple API to resolve BSV addresses from Twetch, HandCash, RelayX and PayMail handles.

Manual trading of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins are always time-consuming and expensive. Its always essential to keep an eye and monitor the trading positions regularly.

SymRe allows to use Bitcoin to store and retrieve short URLs.

BSV-ex is a general purpose library for building BSV applications in Elixir. Under the hood, Curvy is used for all secp256k1 flavoured crypto, making BSV-ex the only pure Elixir Bitcoin library.

BTP is a UTXO token protocol on top of Bitcoin built with sCrypt.

Nakasendo™ provides a mix of high-level cryptographic functions underpinned by the nChain IP patent portfolio as well as by the cryptographic primitives required to implement your new big idea.

bitcoinj is a library for working with the Bitcoin protocol. It can maintain a wallet, send/receive transactions without needing a local copy of Bitcoin Core and has many other advanced features. It's implemented in Java but can be used from any JVM compatible language: examples in Python and JavaScript are included.

Manic is an Elixir client for interfacing with Bitcoin miner APIs.

Bitcoin API endpoints

Build and broadcast data transactions to the BSV blockchain

Bitbus crawls bitcoin for you so you don't have to. We run a highly efficient bitcoin crawler which indexes the bitcoin blockchain. Then we expose the index as an API so anyone can easily crawl ONLY the subset of bitcoin by crawling bitbus.

Transform your business using the world’s most scalable technology. Our industry leading experts design and develop bespoke software applications to revolutionize your business and customers’ experience.

A robust and scalable Bitcoin transaction engine designed to be simple yet capable of supporting the most demanding applications.

It is committed to using Blockchain ledger that is "the only immutable source of truth" to push forward social progress.

The best and quickest Crypto Scanner and Cryptocurrency News Aggregator:

BlockPost is a website that makes use of the BitcoinSchema standards to create a completely open social network. Post, like, reply or follow without relying on us storing your data or giving us the power to censor you.

The fastest ecommerce and retail solution for accepting payments in digital currency.

Dokkz lets you electronically seal, sign and secure digital documents, data or other digital assets important to your business. Secure information exchange with mathematically verifiable evidence for yourself, internal audits or third parties. Independently verifiable by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Codugh is an API marketplace done differently. Codugh gives API developers the opportunity to monetise their API with little to no overhead.

Directed Acyclic Graph Data API

A high-level smart contract language for Bitcoin (BSV).

Pushing the limits of Bitcoin computing

BSV as a Service. A Blockchain data service provider.

WhatsOnChain provides access to BSV blocks, transactions, address activity. On Chain data, stas and much more via simple REST API.


A BSV Python library that is simple to use but more. - MAINNET and TESTNET supported - P2PKH, P2PK and bare-multisig supported - All the SIGHASH flags supported - Additional script types can be customized - MetaSV (

The schemas are a set of 'types', each associated with a set of properties.

Build incredible Bitcoin Apps. Monetize any website, app or game by adding nanopayments in just a few minutes. The all in one SDK from

Powering the next generation of MetaNet apps, protecting user privacy and unlocking new potential with micropayments.

The fastest, simplest, and most affordable solution to create and manage digital assets.

Lorem Ipsum

nChain is a leading global provider of  

Relysia is more than just a Bitcoin wallet, it is also a super-tool for developers and entrepreneurs.